Bringing You the Domestic Renaissance Since 1999

Note: As of 2017, The New Homemaker is an archive. The articles on the site are all original to TNH. For more musings from Lynn, the person behind this site, go here.

You've had enough. You're tired of just scraping by month after month, or of carrying a balance on one or more credit cards. It's frustrating to never see the light at the end of the financial tunnel. And it's very unfortunate that when we take the plunge, leave our jobs, and decide to be at home with our children full-time, it only gets scarier. Frankly, the whole thing is exhausting.

Here are a few things to think about to prevent the fatigue and frustration that go hand in hand with looking that monthly budget in the face:

Getting as close to the birth you want as possible
On resolutions, goals, calendars and other topics of organizational interests
Weird science project or tasty drink? It's both!